256 MB RAM if Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98 or Windows 2000
At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space
If you have a non-T&L capable video card (an Intel Extreme Graphics or a Radeon 7000/VE Series) then you need at least:
2.0 GHz processor or better
256 MB RAM if Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98, or Windows 2000
At least 3.5 GB of hard drive space
Get the most current driver for your video card. The manufacturers usually have the video drivers on their sites for you to download. Visit the nVidia site, the ATI site or the support site for your computer's manufacturer for the latest drivers for those video cards.
Supported video cards (and the more video memory the better):
ATI RadeonTM series (7000 or better)
Radeon 7000/VE series (non-T&L; requires 2.0 GHz processor)
7200, 7500
8500, All-In-Wonder 8500
9000, 9200, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800
X300, X600, X800
Nvidia® QuadroTM series
Quadro, Quadro2, Quadro4
Nvidia® Geforce series (GeForce2 and better)
GeForce3, 3 Ti
GeForce4, 4Ti, MX 420, 440
GeForce FX 5200, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, 5950
GeForce 6600, 6800
Intel® Extreme Graphics (non-T&L; requires 2.0 GHz processor)
82845, 82865, 82915
Download Links
Cheat Cods
Cheat: Tons of Money
This ONLY works if University is installed; it was created with an engine change that wasn't present prior to the expansion. Infinite money can be created with just a modest amount of time and without a conventional cheat code. It takes at least two Sims, but it's not really going to save you time if you have more than two.
Simply follow these steps:
1. Create a family with at least two members. I'll call them Alpha and Bravo for this example.
2. Move the family into any lot. Don't buy anything else, just save it once they're moved in. They will have a net worth of $20k because that's how much all families start with.
3. Select Bravo as the active Sim, then click on the newspaper when it arrives. Choose "Find Own Place," and confirm that only Bravo is moving away.
4. Save it once he leaves the lot, and exit back to the neighborhood screen.
5. Bravo is back in the Sim Bin, but he's magically got another $20k because he's moved out. Select him, and move him back into the SAME lot.
6. By combining households, this brings the net worth of the lot to $40k. You can now move Bravo out again and repeat as many times as desired, gaining $20k each time. Do this ten times, and you'll have a fifth of a million, easily enough to build a big house with a lot of high-level objects.
- Submitted by: PyroFalkon
Cheat List
Press Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the cheat/dev console.
Motherlode - $50,000
Kaching - Adds $1,000
Moveobjects on/off - Move objects anywhere
Aging on/off - Sims cannot age (those freaks)
StretchSkeleton - Change Sim's height
Vsync on/off - Increase graphic performance (lowers textures)
faceBlendLimits (on/off) - Face stretching is not limited
Help - Lists common cheats
Exit - Close dev window
Expand - Enlarges dev window
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false - Snap/unsnap objects to grid
deleteAllCharacters - self-explanatory
TerrainType desert/temperate - Terrain selection
boolProp simShadows (True/False) - Shadows on or off
boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False) - Plants on/off
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False) - Roads on/off